Running Jobs
The HPC Fund Research Cloud runs the SLURM workload resource manager in order to organize job scheduling across the cluster. In order to access back-end compute resources, users must submit jobs to SLURM (either interactive or batch) and the underlying scheduler will manage execution of all jobs using a multi-factor priority algorithm.
Multiple partitions (or queues) are available for users to choose from and each job submission is associated with a particular partition request. Note that partition names are mostly organized around the type of accelerator hardware installed in the hosts. The table below summarizes available production queues, hardware configuration, allocation charging rates and runtime limits currently available:
Queue |
Max Time |
Max Node(s) |
Charge Multiplier |
Configuration |
30 min. |
1 |
1.0X |
Targeting short development needs (4xMI210). |
24 hours |
5 |
0.8X |
8 x MI100 accelerators per node. |
24 hours |
16 |
1.0X |
4 x MI210 accelerators per node. |
12 hours |
10 |
1.7X |
4 x MI250 accelerators (8 GPUs) per node. |
4 hours |
1 |
2.0X |
8 x MI300X accelerators per node. |
8 hours |
1 |
2.0X |
8 x MI300X accelerators per node. |
Note that special requests that extend beyond the above queue limits may potentially be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. You must have an active accounting allocation in order to submit jobs and the resource manager will track the combined number of node hours consumed by each job and deduct the [total node hours]*[charge multiplier] from your available balance.
Offload Architecture Options
Since multiple generations of Instinct™ accelerators are available across the cluster, users building their own HIP applications should include the correct target offload architecture during compilation based on the desired GPU type. The following table highlights the offload architecture types and compilation option that maps to available SLURM partitions.
Partition Name |
GPU Type |
ROCm Offload Architecture Compile Flag |
devel |
MI210 x 4 |
mi2104x |
MI210 x 4 |
mi2508x |
MI250 x 8 |
mi3008x |
MI300 x 8 |
mi3008x_long |
MI300 x 8 |
mi1008x |
MI100 x 8 |
Batch job submission
Example SLURM batch job submission scripts are available on the login node at /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/slurm
. A basic starting job for MPI-based applications is available in this directory named job.mpi
and is shown below for reference:
#SBATCH -J test # Job name
#SBATCH -o job.%j.out # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId)
#SBATCH -N 2 # Total number of nodes requested
#SBATCH -n 8 # Total number of mpi tasks requested
#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss) - 1.5 hours
#SBATCH -p mi2104x # Desired partition
# Launch an MPI-based executable
prun ./a.out
The prun
utility included in the above job script is a wrapper script for launching MPI-based executables. To submit this batch job, issue the command: sbatch job.mpi
. Note that in this example, 8 MPI tasks will be launched on two physical nodes resulting in 4 MPI tasks per node. This is a fairly common use case for the mi1004x
partition where 1 MPI task is allocated per GPU accelerator.
SLURM batch submission scripts are just shell scripts - you can customize the script to perform various pre and post-processing tasks in addition to launching parallel jobs.
Interactive usage
In addition to running batch jobs, you may also request an interactive session on one or more compute nodes. This is convenient for longer compilations or when undertaking debugging and testing tasks where it is convenient to have access to an interactive shell. To submit interactive jobs, the salloc
command is used and the example below illustrates an interactive session submitted to the devel queue:
[test@login1 ~]$ salloc -N 1 -n 4 -p devel -t 00:30:00
salloc: ---------------------------------------------------------------
salloc: AMD HPC Fund Job Submission Filter
salloc: ---------------------------------------------------------------
salloc: --> ok: runtime limit specified
salloc: Granted job allocation 449
[test@t004-002 ~]$
When the above command is submitted on the login node, SLURM will queue the job and the prompt will temporarily hang until adequate resources are available. Once the scheduler has allocated resources, your prompt will be updated to provide a login on the first assigned compute node. From here, you can run any shell commands until the maximum job runlimit is reached. You can also launch parallel jobs interactively from within your allocation, for example:
[test@t004-002 ~]$ prun hostname
[prun] Master compute host = t004-002
[prun] Resource manager = slurm
[prun] Launch cmd = mpirun hostname (family=openmpi4)
To terminate an interactive job, simply type exit
at your shell prompt.
Compute node access
HPC Fund compute nodes are allocated in an exclusive fashion such that only a single user is on a node at any one time and is allocated all resources associated with the host (CPUs, host memory, GPUs, etc). Consequently, ssh access to back-end compute hosts are dynamically controlled with temporary access granted for the duration of a user’s job. The squeue
command can be used to interrogate a running job and identify assigned hosts in order to gain ssh access. For example:
[test@login1 ~]$ squeue -j 451
451 devel interact test R 0:10 2 t004-[002-003]
[test@login1 ~]$ ssh t004-003
[test@t004-003 ~]$
Aggregating tasks using job steps
As mentioned above, the HPC Fund compute nodes are allocated for exclusive usage - i.e. they are not shared amongst multiple jobs or users. Consequently, accounting charges are accrued at the node-hour level with charge multipliers highlighted in Table 1. To maximize efficiency of the consumed node hours, users are encouraged to take advantage of multiple GPU resources per node whenever possible.
If your application is only configured for single GPU acceleration, you can still take advantage of multiple GPUs by aggregating several independent tasks together to run in a single SLURM job. There are a variety of ways to do this, but we highlight an example below using job steps. In this case, the assumption is that a user has four independent, single-GPU tasks they would like to run simultaneously on a single node in order to take advantage of all GPU resources available. An example job script named job.launcher
demonstrating this approach is available on the system at /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/slurm
. An example copy is shown below which requests four tasks on a compute node. Note the use of the HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES
environment variable to map each task to a unique GPU device.
#SBATCH -J launcher # Job name
#SBATCH -o job.%j.out # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId)
#SBATCH -N 1 # Total number of nodes requested
#SBATCH -n 4 # Total number of mpi tasks requested
#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss) - 1.5 hours
#SBATCH -p mi2104x # Desired partition
echo "Launching 4 jobs on different GPUs..."
export HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0; srun -n 1 -o output.%J.log --exact ${binary} ${args} &
export HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1; srun -n 1 -o output.%J.log --exact ${binary} ${args} &
export HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2; srun -n 1 -o output.%J.log --exact ${binary} ${args} &
export HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3; srun -n 1 -o output.%J.log --exact ${binary} ${args} &
echo "Job steps submitted..."
sleep 1
squeue -u `id -un` -s
# Wait for all jobs to complete...
echo "All Steps completed."
To demonstrate the multiple job launches, consider compiling a hipinfo
utility as follows which prints a number of architectural properties from the GPU execution device (code sample is available with ROCm installed on the system).
[test@login1 ~]$ hipcc -o hipinfo $ROCM_DIR/share/hip/samples/1_Utils/hipInfo/hipInfo.cpp
Once compiled, the launcher job submission script above can be copied to your local directory and submitted via sbatch job.launcher
. After execution, you should have 5 output files present in the submission directory. The results of each job step are available in four “output*.log” files demarcated by the job ID and job step. For example, the output below corresponds to SLURM job=1514:
[test@login1 ~]$ ls output.*.log
output.1514.0.log output.1514.1.log output.1514.2.log output.1514.3.log
Because each job step targets a different GPU, the hipinfo
utility reports details from each device separately but as the GPUs are all the same model in a given node, the majority of the reported information is identical. However, we can confirm that each job step runs on a different GPU by querying the pciBusID
. For example, the following query confirms each step ran on a different PCI device:
[test@login1 ~]$ grep "pciBusID" output.1514.?.log
output.1514.0.log:pciBusID: 195
output.1514.1.log:pciBusID: 131
output.1514.2.log:pciBusID: 227
output.1514.3.log:pciBusID: 163
Common SLURM commands
The table below highlights several of the more common user-facing SLURM commands. Consult the man pages (e.g. man sbatch
) for more detailed information and command-line options for these utilities.
Command |
Purpose |
sbatch |
submit a job for later execution |
scancel |
cancel (delete) a pending or running job |
salloc |
allocate resources in real time (e.g. to request an interactive job) |
sinfo |
report the state of partitions and nodes |
squeue |
report the state of queue jobs |
scontrol |
view or modify a job configuration |
Users can run Jupyter Notebooks on the HPC Fund compute nodes by making a copy
of the example batch script (available here:
) and customizing it to fit their
needs. The script can then be used by following steps 1-3 below.
Step 1:
While logged into the HPC Fund cluster, make a copy of the batch script, submit
it to the batch system, and cat
the contents of the newly-created
file (where <job-id>
is the Job ID for your batch job):
$ cp /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/slurm/job.notebook .
$ sbatch job.notebook
sbatch: ---------------------------------------------------------------
sbatch: AMD HPC Fund Job Submission Filter
sbatch: ---------------------------------------------------------------
sbatch: --> ok: runtime limit specified
sbatch: --> ok: using default qos
sbatch: --> ok: Billing account-> <project-id>/<username>
sbatch: --> checking job limits...
sbatch: --> requested runlimit = 1.5 hours (ok)
sbatch: --> checking partition restrictions...
sbatch: --> ok: partition = mi1004x
Submitted batch job <job-id>
$ cat job.<job-id>.out
Jupyter Notebook Setup:
To access this notebook, use a separate terminal on your laptop/workstation to create
an ssh tunnel to the login node as follows:
ssh -t -L 7080:localhost:<port-id>
Then, point your local web browser to http://localhost:7080 to access
the running notebook. You will need to provide the notebook token shown below.
Please remember to Quit Jupyter when done, or "scancel" your job in SLURM job when
to avoid additional accounting charges.
[I 12:36:40.651 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /home1/<username>/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
[I 12:36:40.936 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home1/<username>
[I 12:36:40.936 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.5.5 is running at:
[I 12:36:40.936 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=<token-id>
[I 12:36:40.936 NotebookApp] or<token-id>
[I 12:36:40.936 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 12:36:40.939 NotebookApp]
To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
By default, the batch script loads the pytorch
module, launches a job on a
compute node for 1.5 hours, and creates an ssh
tunnel from the compute node
to the login node.
The text between the ------
lines in the job.<job-id>.out
file is written from the batch script itself, while the rest of the text is written out from the Jupyter server. The only content needed from the Jupyter server will be the <token-id>
, which will be used to log in in Step 3 below. The URLs pointing to localhost:8888
can be ignored since we will be further tunneling to your local computer (i.e., laptop/desktop) in Step 2 and a different port will be used..
Step 2:
In a new terminal window, issue the ssh
command shown in Step 1 to create a tunnel between your local computer (i.e., laptop/desktop) and the login node:
$ ssh -t -L 7080:localhost:<port-id>
Step 3:
On your local computer (i.e., laptop/desktop), open an internet browser and
navigate to http://localhost:7080. When prompted for a
password or token, enter the <token-id>
printed to your job.<job-id>.out
file (as shown in Step 1 above). After logging in, you should be able to create
a new (or open an existing) notebook and access the GPUs on the compute node:
Please see the Python Environment section to understand how the base Python environment and pytorch
and tensorflow
modules can be customized.
Large Language Models (Ollama)
Users can experiment with open-weight models running on GPUs with Ollama. Ollama is a popular framework that enables easy interaction with Large Language Models (LLMs), and it uses llama.cpp as a backend.
It is easiest to run these steps from a JupyterLab environment (as outlined in the Jupyter section) since that allows you to spawn multiple terminal windows and one can be dedicated to the Ollama server, however you can do all this from an interactive session just as well.
Step 0:
Grab a compute node in an interactive session.
Remember that the login node is NOT meant for compute-intensive tasks like serving LLMs, so please make sure to allocate a compute node to follow along with this section.
salloc -N <number-of-nodes> -t <walltime> -p <partition>
Step 1:
Download the Ollama executable and start the server.
curl -L --output ollama
chmod a+x ollama
If you are comfortable creating multiple terminal sessions on the compute same node, then simply run the serve command and open up a new terminal session on the same node to interact with the server.
OLLAMA_MODELS=<path-to-store-models> ./ollama serve
Otherwise you can run the server in the background with optional logging as follows:
OLLAMA_MODELS=<path-to-store-models> ./ollama serve 2>&1 | tee log > /dev/null &
By default, the models downloaded in Step 2 below will be saved in ~/.ollama
. However, your $HOME
directory only has a storage capacity of 25GB and so can quickly fill up with larger models. Therefore, we recommend using the OLLAMA_MODELS
evironment variable to change the directory where the models are saved to a location within your $WORK
directory, which has a much larger capacity.
Step 2:
Ollama hosts a list of open-weight models available on their site. In this example we will pull in the Llama3 8B model – one of the most popular open-weight models released by Meta.
./ollama pull llama3
As described in Step 1, these models will be saved in the directory specified by using the OLLAMA_MODELS
environment variable.
Step 3:
The Ollama server is OpenAI API compatible and uses port 11434 by default. This means we can send requests, much like outlined in the OpenAI API reference documentation using curl.
curl http://localhost:11434/v1/chat/completions -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"model": "llama3",
"messages": [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful assistant."
"role": "user",
"content": "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
{"id":"chatcmpl-318","object":"chat.completion","created":1717762800,"model":"llama3","system_fingerprint":"fp_ollama","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"The classic question!\n\nAccording to the most popular answer, the chicken crossed the road to get to the other side! But let's be honest, there are many creative and humorous responses to this question too.\n\nDo you have a favorite reason why the chicken might have crossed the road?"},"finish_reason":"stop"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":28,"completion_tokens":57,"total_tokens":85}}
Similarly, in Python, one can use the OpenAI Python package to interface with the Ollama server. To do so, you will first need to install the openai
package in your user install directory or within a Python virtual environment.
pip3 install openai
Now you can use the Python OpenAI client to invoke your locally run Llama3 model.
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(base_url="http://localhost:11434/v1", api_key="none")
response =
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello this is a test"}],
ChatCompletion(id='chatcmpl-400', choices=[Choice(finish_reason='stop', index=0, logprobs=None, message=ChatCompletionMessage(content="Hello! This is indeed a test. I'm happy to be a part of it. How can I help you with your test?", role='assistant', function_call=None, tool_calls=None))], created=1717763172, model='llama3', object='chat.completion', system_fingerprint='fp_ollama', usage=CompletionUsage(completion_tokens=28, prompt_tokens=13, total_tokens=41))
Step 4:
Shutting down the Ollama server.
When your Slurm jobs ends (whether due to reaching walltime limit or manually canceling with scancel <jobid>
), all user processes (including the Ollama server) will be cleaned up before putting the node back into the queue. However, if you need or want to manually shut down the server, you can do so multiple different ways. Here, we’ll show only two of these ways.
Recall that for our example we used an &
to put our Ollama serve process in the background in Step 1 so we could continue using the same terminal to further interact with the server. Therefore, we need to find that background process that is running the server so we can shut it down.
Option 1: ps
+ kill
ps -ef | grep "ollama serve" # Look for the PID associated with this command in the results
kill -9 <PID> # Kill the process
Option 2: jobs
+ fg
jobs # This will show your background processes labeled as [1], [2], etc.
fg <id> # Bring the process back to the foreground. E.g., `fg 1`
# Then simply give the Ctrl+C command to stop the process