User-mode execution

In user-mode executions, Omnistat data collectors and a companion Prometheus server are deployed temporarily on hosts assigned to a user’s job, as highlighted in Figure 2. The following assumptions are made throughout the rest of this user-mode installation discussion:


  • ROCm v6.1 or newer is pre-installed on all GPU hosts.

  • Installer has access to a distributed file-system; if no distributed file-system is present, installation steps need to be repeated in all nodes.

Omnistat software installation

To begin, we download the Omnistat software and install necessary Python dependencies. Per the assumptions above, we download and install Omnistat in a path accessible from all nodes.

  1. Download and expand latest release version.

    [user@login]$ REPO=
    [user@login]$ curl -OLJ ${REPO}/archive/refs/tags/v1.1.0.tar.gz
    [user@login]$ tar xfz omnistat-1.1.0.tar.gz
  2. Install dependencies.

    [user@login]$ cd omnistat-v1.1.0
    [user@login]$ pip install --user -r requirements.txt
    [user@login]$ pip install --user -r requirements-query.txt


Omnistat can also be installed as a Python package. Create a virtual environment, and install Omnistat and its dependencies from the top directory of the release.

[user@login]$ cd omnistat-v1.1.0
[user@login]$ python -m venv ~/venv/omnistat
[user@login]$ ~/venv/omnistat/bin/python -m pip install .[query]
  1. Download Prometheus. If a prometheus server is not already present on the system, download and extract a precompiled binary. This binary can generally be stored in any directory accessible by the user, but the path to the binary will need to be known during the next section when configuring user-mode execution.

Configuring user-mode Omnistat

For user-mode execution, Omnistat includes additional options in the [omnistast.usermode] section of the runtime configuration file. A portion of the default config file is highlighted below with the lines in yellow indicating settings to confirm or customize for your local environment.

Listing 8 Sample Omnistat configuration file
 port = 8001
 enable_rocm_smi = True
 enable_rms = True

 job_detection_mode = file-based
 job_detection_file = /tmp/omni_rmsjobinfo_user

 ssh_key = ~/.ssh/id_rsa
 prometheus_binary = /path/to/prometheus
 prometheus_datadir = data_prom
 prometheus_logfile = prom_server.log

Running a SLURM Job

In the SLURM job script, add the following lines to start and stop the data collection before and after running the application. Lines highlighted in yellow need to be customized for different installation paths.

Listing 9 SLURM job file using user-mode Omnistat with a 10 second sampling interval
 export OMNISTAT_CONFIG=/path/to/omnistat.config
 export OMNISTAT_DIR=/path/to/omnistat

 # Start data collector
 ${OMNISTAT_DIR}/omnistat-usermode --start --interval 10

 # Run application(s) as normal
 srun <options> ./a.out
 # End of job - generate summary report and stop data collection
 ${OMNISTAT_DIR}/omnistat-query --job ${SLURM_JOB_ID} --interval 10
 ${OMNISTAT_DIR}/omnistat-usermode --stop

Exploring results with a local Docker environment

To explore results generated for user-mode executions of Omnistat, we provide a Docker environment that will automatically launch the required services locally. That includes Prometheus to read and query the stored data, and Grafana as visualization platform to display time series and other metrics.

To explore results:

  1. Copy Prometheus data collected with Omnistat to ./prometheus-data. The entire datadir defined in the Omnistat configuration needs to be copied (e.g. a data directory should be present under ./prometheus-data).

  2. Start services:

    [user@login]$ export PROMETHEUS_USER="$(id -u):$(id -g)"
    [user@login]$ docker compose up -d

    User and group IDs are exported with the PROMETHEUS_USER variable to ensure the container has the right permissions to read the local data under the ./prometheus-data directory.

  3. Access Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000. Note that starting Grafana can take a few seconds.

  4. Stop services:

    [user@login]$ docker compose down